0FF 53450N

February 23, 2023
The First Seed
Heterodox Records
Producer: The First Seed

As the seasons perpetually accelerate, the cycles around our star blur and we spiral ever quicker to our ultimate end its important to respect the dark times because the sun inevitably won’t shine forever and without transition warmth and light lose significance. Recently I’ve taken inspiration from nature in a more literal sense through experiencing the incredible power and beauty in my own life first hand, and with a new perspective as the manager of a fruit orchard. These songs express my deep gratitude and respect for the natural world while trying to capture the awe that experiencing it incurs, as well as exploring the parallels that can be drawn in our emotional lives from these physical phenomenon. From the drilling unease of 5L337 you can almost feel your visibility decrease and your traction slipping into the wet slog of 5LU5H leaving the listener damp with soaked in dread. FR3351N9 R41N continues the temperature drop as the icy pellets fall encasing the world in a fragile case, the perfect scene set for an easy 5N0WF4LL to compile and transform the landscape, covering all the accumulated garbage and scars with a smooth pristine blanket of purity, if only for a while. Finally, no winter is complete without a terrifying bout of H41L pummelling and pounding, chaotic power smashing with all the fury of irrational destruction leaving damage and bewilderment in its wake, making room for the new growth of the next season.
