Radarcave is the solo experimental electronic brainchild of artist/musician/producer Steve Marsh. Marsh traces his musical timeline from the late seventies Austin, TX punk scene with seminal band Terminal Mind, through No Wave electronic group Life On Earth and 80s/90s noise bands Miracle Room and Wisdom Tooth (both in New York City), to recent heavy psych behemoth Evil Triplet and side projects Life Skills Department and TelepathiX.
He has worked with theatrical artists Arthur Brown and The Blue Man Group, and shared the stage with music luminaries such as Iggy
Pop, Snakefinger, Butthole Surfers, Ruins, Mekons, Negativland and Sonny Sharrock.
Radarcave utilizes self-made circuits and modular synths, and projected video live, to create sonic landscapes for the psychic spelunker.