As the news of the rise of Covid 19 in the United States SXSW was canceled. Resistor II a day long electronic music & culture event was set to go on the weekend just before the start of SXSW, a kick-off as it were to the tech element of it all. Resistor II was bringing together 15 electronic artists of all stripes to build community and expand knowledge of the scene. The outbreak cast a shadow of the whole event producing a lower turnout than an event of this type would have normally drawn. The show went on, none the less, to a smaller but intensely enthusiastic audience. Community was built, knowledge was shared… but the shadow remained.
In the days that followed Production Unit Xero and Lost Cat Magnet got together, after a 6 year hiatus as XeroCat. We set about in a freeform, dawless capacity to capture the mood in the air, on the ground and in the emotional core of the “shadow”, the specter of human mortality.
Production Unit Xero + Lost Cat Magnet = XeroCat
All electronic music elements by XeroCat. Recorded LIVE at AnimaSonic Studios in Austin, TX USA.